Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and other factors, including the doctors strikes, despite best efforts there has been a national delay in seeing patients by specialists.
When patients contact the hospital they have been referred to, or are receiving care from, they are concerned about the wait times especially if it is felt their symptoms have changed. They are frequently signposted back to their GP for an ‘expedite’ letter.
This is frustrating for you, the patient, and also for the surgery as it rarely brings the appointment forward and brings an additional unnecessary burden that removes clinicians from direct care within their control.
Only the hospital specialist team will be able to make a decision about a change in symptoms which may warrant expedition of an appointment, as they will need to compare your condition and needs to the other patients on their waiting list.
You can look up provided typical waiting times via London – My Planned Care NHS– select the hospital you have been referred to and then the specialty.
South Havering PCN has worked together to create a letter that patients can fill out explaining their problem and what has changed since their referral or their last contact with the specialist team. Please download and email or post this to the appropriate team.
Click here to download the form and the Hospital contact details are listed below.
If you have problems downloading or filling out the form, please contact your surgery and ask for the care coordinator to assist you.
Whilst you are waiting you may wish to look at Home – Wait well, stay well (icb.nhs.uk)
This provides a hub of information on how to wait well whilst waiting for your appointment/care. It also has an excellent FAQ section which supports this approach.
BHRUT Hospitals
Queen’s Hospital
Rom Valley Way
Greater London
King George Hospital
Barley Lane
Greater London
Via email bhrut.pals@nhs.net
If you would like a specific specialist team email address please ask for the secretary of this team via switchboard 01708 435 000
Practice Plus Group
Practice Plus Group Hospital,
Barley Lane
They also have an online form at the bottom of this link you can use Practice Plus Group Hospital, Ilford | Practice Plus Group
Barts Trust
Via Pals
The Royal London and Mile End hospitals
The PALS team has joined the Patient and Family Contact Centre to offer help and advice to patients, relatives and visitors with a wider hospital team to address your concerns quickly
0203 594 2040
RLHpals.bartshealth@nhs.net / bartshealth.familycontact@nhs.net
Whipps Cross Hospital
0208 535 6438 (please note this is the PALS team contact number)
Newham University Hospital
0207 363 9292
St Bartholomew’s Hospital
0203 465 5919
If you would like a specific specialist team email address please ask for the secretary of this team via switchboard 0207 3777 000
The Royal London Hospital
Whitechapel Rd,
E1 1FR
St Bartholomew’s Hospital
West Smithfield
Mile End Hospital
Bancroft Rd
E1 4DG
Whipps Cross University Hospital
Whipps Cross Road
E11 1ND